First released on the SNES in 1994, it uses 2D sprites and the traditional top-down view that featured in most RPGs of the time. Final Fantasy 6 is the last 16-bit title of the series. There have been suggestions that Final Fantasy V might be the next title to get a makeover, but with SPOILERS ahead, here are the reasons I would much prefer a Final Fantasy 6 Remake.

In my view, Final Fantasy 7 Remake was mostly a return to form, and with so many RPG remakes and remasters being made every year, maybe Square Enix’s best option is to again look to the past for inspiration. In the last fifteen years, the mothership titles of XII, XIII and XV have been… fine, but haven’t captured the majesty of old school Final Fantasy. During this period every title was a massive critical success and cemented Final Fantasy’s place as one of the most popular and successful RPG series ever made.

In my humble opinion, the golden age of Final Fantasy started around Final Fantasy 4 and ended at Final Fantasy 10.

It’s fair to say the reaction to most Final Fantasy titles since the turn of the century has been mixed.